What is Nuclear Medicine?

Nuclear Medicine uses very small amounts of a radiopharmaceutical to diagnose disease and check on organ function. The radiopharmaceuticals go directly to the organ being examined and are detected by special types of cameras that work with computers to provide very precise pictures of the area being examined.

Nuclear Medicine testing is safe. The exam usually requires a small injection or swallowing of a small amount of material. Either you are imaged immediately or return after several hours after the tissues have had time to absorb the material. The test usually requires you to lie still until the images are acquired.

Studies performed, but not limited to:

  • GE Reflux Study Renal Cortical Scan
  • Gastric Emptying MAG3 Renogram
  • Meckel's Scan Radionuclide Voiding Cystogram
  • Liver Hemangioma Octreoscan
  • Parathyroid Gallium Scan (FUO/Abcess)
  • I-123 Uptake (Thyroid) Lymphoma
  • Hepatobiliary Scan w/ Gallbladder
  • Ejection fraction MUGA Scan

Questions about Exams? Call DIA Invision Health at (716) 636-1902

For more information on this topic, please visit www.radiologyinfo.org