You should wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing for the exam. Metal objects can affect the image, so avoid clothing with zippers and snaps.

CT scan of the Brain/Soft Tissue Neck/Chest

  • Nothing to eat (4) hours prior to the exam. Nothing to drink (2) hours prior to the exam. Continue to take prescribed medicines with minimal water.
  • No preparation for studies requiring no I.V. contrast

CT scan of the Abdomen & Pelvis
  • Nothing to eat (4) hours prior to the exam. Nothing to drink (2) hours prior to the exam. Continue to take prescribed medicines with minimal water.
  • Requires drinking oral contrast (1) hour prior to exam. This may be picked up prior to the appointment. Please notify this office if you have a history of diabetes, asthma, kidney problems or thyroid condition or have had a previous reaction to the X-Ray contrast.
  • Some CT scans may require different preparation or possibly no preparation at all. Our schedulers will advise you on the preparation for the examination that you are being scheduled for when you make your appointment.

If you have any questions, please reach out to DIA Invision Health.