Breast Biopsy

Stereotactic Breast Biopsy, Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsy, MRI Guided Breast Biopsy:

The following medications are to be discontinued for 3 days prior to your biopsy:

  • Aspirin
  • Plavix- (with ordering physician approval. Please notify our office if you are on this medication)
  • Coumadin- (with ordering physician approval. Please notify our office if you are on this medication)

The following medication needs to be discontinued 1 day prior to your biopsy.
  • Lovenox-(with ordering physician approval)

If on blood thinner, need PT/PTT/INR
(coumadin, levenox or any generic brand)

Day of Procedure Instructions:
  • Light Breakfast and A.M. medications including insulin with breakfast
  • Wash breast and underarms with plain soap and water. Your skin should be clean and free of any deodorant, perfume, powder, ointment or other preparation in your underarm area or your breast. Residue from such preparations can create misleading results.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing, such as a blouse with shirt or slacks, rather than a dress, since it is necessary to undress above the waist for the exam.
  • Wear a brassiere
  • Be prepared to spend at least two hours in our facility

Ultrasound Breast Cyst Aspiration

No preparation needed


No preparation needed

If you have any questions, please reach out to DIA Invision Health.